Thursday, 21 July 2011

Evolutionary Time Lag

Man as a species takes itself too seriously, and why shouldnt they? Over a space of 500,000 years the genus Homo (me and you) have become the predominant species on the planet with the ability to lay waste to 70% of evolution's more than 20million years of hard work with just the press of button(very impressive!). By comparison, civilisation the prognitor of early communal societies as we know it is about 5,000 years. Consider this, 70million years ago 2 continents collided to form the Himalayas, the crash today hasn't ceased and is still on going. That is the scale of things on earth so 500,000 years is the planet running out to pee during a bad commercial. A most absurd introduction but please do bear with me, the time scales are most important for the main story, if it ever comes. If we are to believe the men of science, man and by that same token woman has been fashioned over a period of 7 million years to be what they are today. Our interaction with our surroundings over hundreds of thousands of years is what ultimately dictated the conditioning and fashioning of our being. Bear this anecdote in mind as you trudge through this labyrinth.

In the short order of things, women are better evolved to suite the rigors of modern day living where a lot depends on interpersonal aptitude. Over thousands of years, evolution has conditioned them for this lifestyle that demands soft, social and multitasking skills, way longer than their male counterparts. In fact it is my suspicion that the earliest communities were as a consequence of women batched up together for long hours, and there, customs grew which laid foundation for societies and the later development of civilisation in general. Obviously some wankers (the same males that picked berries and carried wood- earliest poets and artists) who were not adept with spear and net on account of some handicap as par nature's fashioning took interest in this new development. And sensing an opportunity to square the pissing contest with the hunters and fishers they some how managed to impose and catapult man folk in this most unfamiliar arena relegating activities that evolution had primed him for to a mere foot note, and thus begun the woes of men to this very day. It is no wonder that every folklore carries the story of how their first woman led to the fall of man, me thinks it was never the forbidden fruit, it was the constant talking and sharing that caused civilisation to evolve and with that the 'fall' of man.

When evolution was working on man's requirement for the hunt, communication skills and such other sensitivities that modern woman looks for in modern man were never a priority nor was the need to stay copped up in a confined space with the brood for long periods of time nor share every detail of our day. In fact,  where women folk developed a multitude of elaborate sounds to precisely communicate their ideas along with fairer features, man folk developed intricate grunts to sum the whole meaning of the multitude of  elaborate sounds with accompanying brusque features. (Women use 25,000 words a day compared to men's 5000). Now,the aforementioned wankers (distinctively identified through the ages by their effeminate disposition properly confused with bearing class and sophistication) so warped the whole process of evolution to their advantage as to derail it for rest of the men folk. As stated civilisation is a mere 5000years old, evolution on the other hand works in multiples of 100,000 years so to say that men are way behind on the catch up and expectations of society is pulling a finger.

Fast forward to the day, which now brings me to the gist of why I started writing this piece in the first place (there must be a wanker somewhere in my lineage). In my journeys, I have talked to a number of females on the frustration of their expectations with regard to men's emotional depth and equally men's sense of being over whelmed with the insistent demands of women, and by extension society, on indulging sensitivities and empathies (not real word) they maybe short of. The demands for men to spontaneously upgrade their evolutionary programming by society, which by the way is not only 1000 times younger than evolution but also gender biased, is bloody unrealistic. Is it any wonder the utter confusion suffered  by both sexes. Its a bit too short notice for evolution to rewire men's circuitry to the conforms demanded. And to make it worse
general media paints and propagates this unrealistic picture of what a relationship between the genders should be, based on women's high evolved state and the wankers self serving needs to stay ahead in the pissing
contest, that puts lowly evolved man at a great disadvantage giving birth to the ultra modern definition and search for real men. All the best in your endeavors. The 'unevolved' man will forever project the required
sensitives to a definite short term end, that is as far as can be expected till evolution does its bit.

To put a finer point to it, man is not equipped to love or care as much as women are, though the weight of what each feels evens out. Figuratively, women's love is denser (stone) than men's loves (feathers) but one kilogram either way is one kilogram. And its sad, that the very few males that are ahead of the evolutionary curve and  understand this inherent female need in their males ply themselves to the full taking on more than the obligatory number (one!) of mating partners than society and women deem acceptable, all in the while giving the rest of the less evolved males a very bad name. Supply and demand has puppies! A husband looking deeply into his wife's eyes and making the promise that he will be home in time for supper is deep on all levels  for the less evolved man, over evolved woman expecting a declaration of affection will be most disappointed. So to keep up appearances, less evolved man will say something daft like,'I Love you, you are the only woman for me till time stops' knowing full well that she is not the only one for him and time has no intention of stopping, daft I say but it works like a charm. And this is why the most loving men sometimes  shock their women when one day they just up and walk away from all that professed devotion of love, its hard work coming up with that stuff on a daily simply because it doesn't come as easily or naturally as we pretend.

My two cents in all this is stay out of the kitchen if ye can't stand the sodding heat. This is by no way licence to to turn to each other and/or goats/sheep/fowl/cows. Nor is it licence for the 'under evolved' man not to aspire to better his state in this regard. As in all things in this corner of the cosmos, balance is always the key. In as much as Evolution has not properly equipped men more improved sensibilities and depth of emotion it has not left them completely bear of resource. What men lack in emotional depth, they make up for in high tolerance levels. Survival demands men adapt and survive albeit with in the context of the hunter mind frame. Women and by extension society should allow for kinks and set backs in the improvement endeavor as we wait on evolution to work its magic. Men and women are so different (but equal) and its only by complimentary dynamics that any successful union between the sexes is possible and much of the confusion caused by the wankers and time lag on evolution can be mitigated. But then again, I have been wrong before and I just may be blowing hot air out of the wrong end, Happy hunting!

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