Wednesday, 25 May 2011


The experiences yielded  by my interaction with my surroundings naturally imprint on my being a wealth of information that would take more than a  life time to sift through, both conscious and subconscious.  Once in a very rare while though, there are those random moments when the universe affords mortals, the wealth of all their experiences and knowledge, all laid before them in a sort of clarity that less often than never may bestow a thought or an idea so refined, it may form the basis of a perception. I for one, have not been afforded enough moments to properly muster the reins of the mind, and for that, it does charge in varied directions rarely at my convenience.

The experiences that formed the perception are irrelevant in this discharge. Its impossible to recreate or trace the pathways the stimuli tampered with on it way to the conscious recesses. Besides, perception is not like the wailing wall it does shift when one is encumbered with copious intakes of  knowledge and continued insights. There is nothing new under the sun, so should you notice a turn of phrase that looks familiar, enjoy it and move right along, we are not here for the Nobel peace prize for writers(sic). By putting my musings at the altar of  the near sum of all human knowledge, I hope to cast them to the wind of common consciousness so they may, perchance, find fertile soil and fair better than the recesses to which I had condemned them.

Do keep an open mind but beware that these musings, dare I say, are not complete thoughts but the general leaning of this mortal's mind. Nothing here is a fundamental truth, at least not yet. The topics are as varied as the mind can wander, should I cause offence, I beg you shut that door and seek comfort in another. As a blogger I must confess that am not that socially evolved as to accommodate such fashions that offend nature and its laws. I bare full  responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be borne of the the limitations of language. I guarantee you that the discharges may suffer a certain amount of distortion as I commit them to medium, but not enough that the message shall be lost to you. Do bare with the writing style, its the most this mortal could afford on short notice.

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